Saturday, 8 August 2009

Everything on.

Today I went to this kid's fifth birthday party and I was brave enough to wear heeled sandals which I had abandoned as unwearable since I bought them last pujo but it truned out I survived without any major damage. I was able to walk, climb up and down stairs, and get on and off a bus without being injured. Hah. I envy people who can salsa wearing those high stilettoes with tiny surface area. They're geinuses.
The food was really awesome. The people there all seemed to know me.
It's extremely mysterious the way I seem to have become all famous suddenly. And its very embarrassing sometimes. On the second day of college I went down to the canteen and these two girls I had never seen in my life thumped me on the back and shouted my name so that everyone around stared and went all "HOW ARE YOU?!" and started talking to me as if they'd known me since I was two feet tall with two ponytails. I was too embarrased to ask them their names. I bump into them almost every day and after a month all I've managed to discover is that one of them is in either microbio or computer science. And the other one, no idea.
And then random people tell me I sang well and ask me if I'm coming to freshers so I guess they must be the seniors in our department.

I happen to be turning 18 in 2 days and for some reason I haven't made any plans yet and somehow I'm not all really excited. So I have no idea what I'm doing on my birthday. Other than hanging around at JU in the morning and then going to college(most probably). The thing is some of my friends wont be here on my birthday so I cant have a party. :-(

College is okay as usual and every lunch break I meet Krishno in the canteen and every day he asks me why I dont eat and I say I dont like the food and then he asks if I've made friends in my class and I say I have and he asks how come you're never with them and I say I cant find them. Lol. Deep mostly disappears these days. Earlier he would curse the canteen singaras and curse me for eating them("eesh eshob baaje khawar khash kano!!") and then eat mine and go away. :P

Classes are okay on an average(some are really good and some are really bad) and the lab is a madhouse and pretty much every alternate test involves a diazo coupling reaction so 80 of us have a riot trying to get our test tubes into one of the two ice water buckets after which we do the reaction which stubbornly refuses to occur in the test tubes so we end up with scarlet dye on our hands, feet, faces, hair and aprons. It looks like a 'who-can-get-more-red-dye-and-look-more-like-a-tribal-from-an-obscure-region-of-africa' contest. I also managed to set two test tubes and one fusion tube on fire in the second class. And someone dropped beta-naphthol on my foot and it became really orange.
Our first physics experiment was Newton's ring and we were taken into this impressive looking dark room with no light except from the slit of the sodium lamp we had for the experiment. Really cool place. We spent all our time cursing the rings using all the languages we knew and cracking the saddest jokes when we gave up all hope. Cracking PJs in a dark room is so much more fun. You can hear everyone laughing their insides out but you cant see them clearly, you can only see blurry outlines.

Its cool now the way everyone knows everyone else and so instead of many little groups of friends we now have this enormous group and its a lot of fun. The other day I ate the most enormous fried momos ever.

An now my mum is screaming at me to go to sleep but I dont want to so I'll try to finish Fountainhead I guess. :-)

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