Wednesday 27 October 2010


Since I got back from my trip, I've been seized by these sudden cravings to cook something specific. Okay, food cravings are normal, but cooking cravings?(well I don't know what else to call them). 
Yesterday it was pancakes. I suddenly wanted with all my life, to make pancakes and eat them with maple syrup But maple syrup is hard to get here so I'd make do with honey. Or even better, make some sort of a sauce myself. So I spent the afternoon surfing sites for recipes. Thats something I really love doing. It gives me a high, figuring out how to cook something. And anyone who has had a strong craving for anything will get the feeling. It was driving me mad! I felt so empty and light headed and just dizzy and really sad and angry because I couldn't make them.  

And today it was baked potatoes. Again I spent a greater part of my day trying to find the best recipes and the best way to grill or bake potatoes. But alas, no potatoes. And circumstances in my house are barely suitable for cooking, since theres usually always something going on in the kitchen. And again I was being driven mad by this intense desire to cook. Took me a while to calm down. 

I've become so obsessed with food and cooking, maybe a little too obsessed. I spend most of my free time reading recipe books or surfing recipes on the internet or thinking of ways to improvise on things I can already cook. I even download wallpapers of pretty dishes! In fact my current phone wallpaper is apple cider(picture to the right). I think its such a beautiful art, how flavours, textures and tastes intertwine in subtle ways, how every step transforms what you are cooking into what you want to eat. I just wish I got more opportunities to cook. 


Rohit said...

Different strokes for different folks, eh ?

I was drooling by the time you finished. :)

Rohit said...
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